Pathway of HOPE

Let Jesus be the light to your path and the lamp to your feet.

When we experience a season of difficulty, uncertainty, worry, heartache, and/or pain we can step out into the deep waters knowing we can trust that God has us. God is never too busy to hear from you. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. (Philippians 4:6, don't worry about anything instead, pray about everything.)   

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31)  

Purpose of Life

1 Thessalonians 2:4

To glorify God.

God has a plan for each of us. He created this beautiful earth, sent us here so we could have faith and find joy. The challenges we face will help us grow and prepare us to live with Him again.

7 Keys to Life our walk with God

  • Put God First.
  • Love One Another.
  • Never Hate.
  • Give Generously.
  • Live Simple.
  • Forgive Quickly.
  • Pray Every Day.

4 Things You Must Quit order to grow closer to God

  • Worrying

Worry is worship to the devil and God says we shall cast our worries onto Him and be anxious for nothing, so give it to God and let him take the weight of your worries.

  • Speaking word curses over you life.

Life and death are in the power of your tongue. What you speak, you become. So stop speaking negatively over yourself instead start speaking God's word over your life so that you can start to see yourself the way He does.

  • Allowing your fears to control you.

The devil is a liar, God does not give you a spirit of fear. The enemy places fears and doubts in your mind to prevent you from becoming who God has called you to be. But remember God walk before you and He's always with you so why should you be afraid?

  • People Pleasing

Stop making decisions base of what other people will think about you, when you're walking in God, you're not gonna be liked because you make decisions opposite of what people think is right. Focus on pleasing God.

10 Things You Can't Control

  1. God's timing
  2. How things turn out
  3. The Past
  4. Others Actions 
  5. Others Actions
  6. Others Thoughts
  7. If people change
  8. Your future
  9. When growth happens
  10. Your current season

10 Things You Can Control

  1. Walking by faith
  2. Believing God's Word
  3. Your rest
  4. Bold Prayer
  5. Your surrender
  6. What you focus on
  7. Loving others
  8. Your actions
  9. Your thoughts
  10. Making heathy choices

Keep in Faith

  • Faith doesn't always take you out of the problem; it takes you through the problem.
  • Faith doesn't always take away the pain; it gives you the ability to handle the pain. 
  • Faith doesn't always take you out of the storm; it calms you in the midst of the storm.
Faith means being sure of what we hope for, believing in God's promises even before we see them fulfilled. 
- Hebrew 11:1

Things Christians Shouldn't Do

  • Judge Others.  

There is a distinct difference in telling the truth and judging. We all want the truth over a lie. However, I strongly suggest developing a relationship with a person before speaking some trues to a person and even then we still should speak the truth in love.

There is nothing wrong with telling the truth because speaking the truth is only giving facts. The one difference with telling the truth and judging is judging causes a person to form an opinion or make a decision about someone. We should be able to tell the truth, but we shouldn't view or make anyone feel less valuable. In God's eyes, everyone is SPECIAL!

  • Force The Issue.  

I never been one to force my beliefs on anyone. Being a Christian is less about what we say and it is more about how we live. Christians don't have to tote a Bibles around, preach in the streets, or tell others they are a Christian. Christians live gracefully with their life and not their mouth.

  • Hide Convictions.  
As Christians, we should not force our beliefs on anyone, but that does not mean hide our convictions. We have all seen those people who "claim to be" Christian, but are ashamed to show conviction by living the Christian Life. It should be very clear what we stand for by our lifestyle.

  • Be In Competition.
Christians are never in competition with one another. We don't make comparisons or compete because we have a common goal of promoting the name of Christ.

  • Dwell In Insecurity.  

Insecurity is indicative of lack of confidence or low self-esteem. We weren't given the name Christian to live in self-doubt because we were all made out of the image of God, which makes us all beautiful masterpieces.

  • Make Assumptions.  
Christians are open-minded and never take the stance of assuming, which inevitably leads to judging. Rather than assuming, instead Christians get to know the truth about people and their various situations.

  • Live Hopelessly.  
Everyday we are alive, Christians understand the blessing of hope for themselves and others. There's always light at the end of the tunnel.

Things Christians Should Never Say

  • Good Luck!  

If you are a believer in God, you should not rely on luck, rather you need to rely on God's help.

It is true that God can let the natural forces of the universe do their course, but He is always in complete control. Wishing good luck for a person is like attributing the good things in life to mere luck and not God's blessing.

  • Oh My God!  
This is one of the most common expressions I hear not only on TV but also in the neighborhood. "Oh, my God" and its other variations (Oh my goodness, Oh my G, OMG, Jeez, Geez) are forms of using God's name in vain. This is certainly a direct transgression of the 3rd commandment (Exodus 20:7).

Reducing God to a mere expression is an insult to His love and sovereignty over us.

  • He/She Is In Heaven Now.  

First, no one really knows whether a person is saved or not (since it is God's prerogative). Second, the Bible says that no one has ascended to heaven except Christ (John 3:13). Even David, a man after God's own heart, NEVER went to heaven (Acts 2:29, 34)!

When you read from Genesis to Revelation, you will NOT find even a single verse that tells us that the reward of the righteous is going to heaven. Instead, every dead in Christ are waiting for His second coming in their graves (John 5:25).

  • You're Going To Hell.  

You're not in the position to determine who's going to hell or not. It is never our duty to condemn people. More importantly, we don't have the right to tell God who's going to be saved or not.

  • We Are All God's Children.  
As wonderful as it may sound, this is not the case in the scripture. The Bible says that there are two categories of people: The children of God and the children of the Devil. So how do we know? Read I John 3:10.

  • Believe In Christ And You'll Be Saved.  
With belief comes faith. However, there is a dead faith and a living faith (James 2:17).

Dead faith means your belief does not change your behavior while active living faith behooves you to become a better person according to God's will.

Believing alone in Christ is NEVER enough. Because if it is true then there would be many demons who should have been saved (James 2:19).

  • Don't Judge.  
It seems that many people are now allergic to the word, "judge." When you point out something that's clearly a sinful behavior, Christians are quick to say, "don't judge."

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

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